Friday, 29 April 2016

Animal fact sheet

-      Literacy (20mins): Write fact sheet about a creature.


Remember to:

-      Include a description of the habitat it lives in.

-      Write it is adapted to that habitat.

-      How is it linked to the ecosystem?  What is its predator? What is its food or prey?

-      Is it endangered or is it thriving?

Friday, 22 April 2016

Tudor Transport

For your homework this week we would like you to find out about different types of Tudor transport but particularly about Tudor boats. One of the most famous was the ‘Mary Rose’.

Use the KidRex search engine to help you find safe sites. Please ask your teacher if you cannot access this and need any books from the library.

Try to find out what it would be like on a Tudor ship. How many people would there be? What were their jobs? How long did ships travel for? What did the sailors eat?

Friday, 15 April 2016


In Literacy we are learning about recounts.  For your homework we would like you to think about the best day or best trip you can remember.  Write all about the day.

 Remember to:

- Write in past tense

- Add detailed descriptions using expanded noun phrases (how did it smell, feel, sound?)

- Use adverbs of time (eg. Next, after, finally)

- Use adverbial phrases (eg. Later that day; As I walked down the hill)

- Write in chronological order
-Use prepositional phrases (Eg. Under the table, over the hill, next to the bridge)