Friday, 29 April 2016

Animal fact sheet

-      Literacy (20mins): Write fact sheet about a creature.


Remember to:

-      Include a description of the habitat it lives in.

-      Write it is adapted to that habitat.

-      How is it linked to the ecosystem?  What is its predator? What is its food or prey?

-      Is it endangered or is it thriving?


  1. POPPY

    Hedgehogs are nocturnal and are extremely shy they are usually found in bushes or holes.

    If a hedgehog senses danger and cannot run away fast enough, it is able to curl itself into a ball. It achieves having a large amount of loose skin, particularly on its back, and stronger, tighter muscle and skin connections on its sides.

    Hedgehogs in colder climates survive winter by hibernating. To prepare for hibernation, hedgehogs build up fat stores as a source of energy. These animals are capable of reducing their body temperature, heart rate and metabolism dramatically during hibernation, enabling them to conserve energy.


  2. Snow leopards are between 86-125cm long - and that's not including the tail! They weigh between 22-52kg, but males will be around a third larger than females. Snow leopards have wide, fur-covered feet that act as natural snowshoes. These help to distribute their weight over soft snow and protect the soles from the freezing cold. Snow leopard's tails are thought to help them balance, but they also wrap them around themselves to keep warm. Handy!Unlike other big cats - like lions and tigers - snow leopards can't roar. Some snow leopards have been known to leap up to nine metres - that's six times their body length. Snow leopards first reproduce at around two and a half years old. Usually two or three cubs are born in spring or early summer in a well-concealed den lined with the mother's fur. Cubs are born blind and don't gain their sight until they're nine days old. They are fully active by two months old and stay with their mother until they're two years old. By this time they're fully independent.
    Snow leopards are sparsely distributed across 12 countries from southern Siberia to the Tibetan Plateau. Snow leopards live at high altitudes, usually at elevations of 3,000 to 4,500 metres - but they've been seen above 5,500 metres in the Himalayas!
    Snow leopards can kill prey weighing as much as three times their own body weight. Snow leopards' main prey are the ibex, blue sheep and Himalayan tahr. One blue sheep will provide a snow leopard with food for one week. Snow leopard tails are between 80 to 105 centimetres long.
    These species are endangered because the farmers kill them. The farmers kill them because the snow leopards try to eat their food : ibex and ext but the farmers kill the snow leopards so they don't eat their animals.


  3. The Jaguar

    The jaguar is a animal that lives in the rainforest, which when you think about it you think of hot sunny days, but usely its raining hense the name "rain"forest, that's why there are so many plants.

    Its adaptions to the habitat are the marks on its skin so it can be camoflage in the wild flowers.

    its prey are birds and caimans.The jaguar is one of the most powerful animals and is hunted by almost nothing meaning its top of the food chain in the rianforest!

  4. A Bull

    A bull is an intact adult male of the species Bos taurus (cattle). More muscular and aggressive than the female of the species, the cow.The bull has long been an important symbol in many cultures, and plays a significant role in both beef and dairy farming, and in a variety of other cultural activities.
    Bulls are much more muscular than cows, with thicker bones, larger feet, a very muscular neck, and a large, bony head with protective ridges over the eyes. These features assist bulls in fighting for domination over a herd, giving the winner superior access to cows for reproduction. The hair is generally shorter on the body, but on the neck and head there is often wooly hair.
    Bulls are usually about the same height as cows or a little taller, but because of the additional muscle and bone mass they often weigh far more.
    They eat feed that is high in protein and alfalfa hay, which provides the nutrients needed for a healthy bull. Bulls have four-compartment stomachs and eat strictly vegetation. They swallow their food whole, and then later it is regurgitated into their mouths for chewing. This is what is known as "chewing the cud." Their lifespan is usually 20 to 25 years.
    Young cattle are generally known as calves.
    Cattle are farmed for a number of agricultural products including meat and dairy products.
    Male cattle that cannot father calves are called steer, and they are often killed for their meat. Sometimes, they may help to haul things around the farm. Then, they are called oxen.
    Meat from adult cattle is known as beef.
    Meat from calves is known as veal.
    Bulls are important animals in many ancient cultures. In India cows are sacred. They were also important symbols of fertility and creation in Ancient Egypt and Greece.
    Dairy bulls in particular should never be trusted. A bull should never be handled alone. It may be helpful to carry a stick, handle, cane or baseball bat to make yourself seem larger to the bull.

  5. Habitat
    cheetahs live in the grasslands of eastern, central and southwestern Africa as well as a small part of Iran. the grasslands are treeless plains with long and medium length grass.
    Cheetahs have adapted to be able to run really fast. They can go to 60 mph in three seconds. 1. they have wide nostrils , large lungs and a powerful heart to get oxygen to their muscles really fast. 2. huge leg muscles so they can run really fast. 3. small lightweight body frame that is aero dynamic so it can run fast. 4. long legs and a flexible spine so they can cover 7m in one stride so they can run long distances really quickly. 5. They are camouflage to hide in the grass so they can sneak up on their pray then sprint and attack.
    The predators of a cheetah when it is a cub are large eagles,lions,hyenas and baboons. predators of grown ups are lions,hyenas,leopards because they are lighter so not as strong cheetahs eat antelope, wildebeest calves and hares.
    They are vulnerable to extinction as there are only 7,500 living wild in Africa and about 100 in Iran. Cheetahs are losing their habitats to humans .Also there is not as much of their natural prey so they go after farmers cattle. When this happens farmers often kill them.

  6. All around the world with 24 spiecies of hamsters, they come in a wide range of sizes and colours.
    Hamsters were discovered in Syria that’s why there called Syrian hamsters, they also live in Greece , Romania, Belgium and Northen China. Hamsters are nocturnal according to the animal society, they sleep during the day and they party all night. Hamsters store food and hay in their mouth. Syrian hamsters don’t like living with other hamsters. They will bite the other hamsters, they may even kill them.
    Hamsters like eating seeds, grains, nuts, cracked corn, fruit and vegetables. Wild hamsters eat insects, frogs, lizards and other small animals. A Hamsters diet should be at least 16% protein, 5% fat according to Canadien Federation of Human Society’s. Hamster name comes from the German word “ hamstern ” which means “ hord .”

  7. Polar bears
    The furry polar bears live in the cold arctic, also in other cold places like Greenland because of their thick fur which helps them to live in the cold snowy weather. For the polar bear the job of finding food is made a bit easier as there are little patches of water, so they can leap on to it and wait for it pray. As the weather is very cold, they have oily paws and oily fur helps them swim and the fur protects them from the snow. The polar bear are very well adapted to the packed ice. The strong polar bears which are carnivores eat seal, with their sharp claws. The polar bears have a very good sense of smell; there can smell there pray 16km always.

  8. Belcher's sea snake

    The belcher's sea snake is the most venomous snake in the world (the inland taipan is the most venomous snake on land). Only a few milligrams of venom is enough to kill 1000 people and less than 1/4 bites contain venom. They are found in South East Asia and northern Australia.

    It's habitat is an aquatic habitat. It lives within the depths of the sea. It breaths air and when it is lurking in the shallows it can be seen by its faint yellow body.

    It's diet is fish. It has many predators such as sharks. A fact is that one drop of venom from the king cobra can kill 160 people but the myotoxic venom the faint-banded (belcher's sea snake) con kill 1800 people. Most fisher men have died by the venomous bites when they clean there nets.

    More facts:

    • It is known to be that they are not endangered.
    • There is still a debate on which snake is the most venomous snake in the world.
    • It can hold its breath for 6-7 hours.


    Dolphins are mammals so they nurse baby dolphins (calves) with milk. They are mammals like us and not fishes. The difference between them is:

    • Fishes move their tails side to side as dolphins move their tail up and down
    • Dolphins are warm blooded and fishes are cold blooded
    • Dolphins breathe from lungs while fishes use gills to extract air from water
    • All dolphins give birth to live young and most fishes lay eggs
    The dolphins are young with hair but as they grow they lose it. Lady dolphins are called cows and men dolphin are called bulls.

    Dolphins are carnivores, it eats mainly fish and squid. It doesn’t drink like us humans, they eat fishes and they get water from them.

    Dolphins can’t breathe in water so when they come out of the water they take a deep breath using their lungs. They also communicate by using clicks and whistles by using their blow holes. Dolphins have good eye sight and hearing for the ability to find object.

    Dolphin’s habitat is in marine water. It has pale blue water with coral reefs and bright colourful fishes. They live around in tropical water or in places with warmer temperatures.

    Dolphins are endangered because some fishing method we use several times a year will kill them. It kills them because they get caught of the net and it causes horrific injuries.

    • Many people say that dolphins are intelligent
    • When dolphins sleep they need half a brain awake or they will drown or get captured by their predator who are humans and some big sharks
    • They are believed to be a kind animal


  10. Spitting Cobra

    The snake is a reptile with traces going back to before the dinosaurs. They have a thriving population worldwide, a countless amount of species and many adaptions including heat sensing and venom. The spitting cobra is a cobra, a species with a hood they draw out when they attack, fearful, angry or in the mating season. This particular type of cobra, the spitting cobra is named by its attacking system in which it sprays powerful venom in a jet through two small holes in its teeth for minor injury.

    The cobra lives in the woods and jungles of Southeast Asia, rarely come into the village to search for rats and other small rodents. They also live in the uninhabited areas of the ground under logs or covered in leaves which camouflages against the dry and brown leaves. The weather in its home is partially rainy and bright due to the monsoon from the El Ninio in the Pacific ocean. Like many other snakes the spitting cobra is cold blooded and basks in the morning sun.

    Adaptions and modifications
    One of the adaptations of the cobra is that it is the only snake which uses a defensive strategy of spitting venom while other poisonous snakes and vipers spit venom to impress and scare. They do not aim at a victim but just randomly into thin air. With the use of morphology ( a technique using certain structure, shape or position) the snake can spit a jet of venom in formation. The best a spitting cobra is known to have done is hit a target 8 feet away. This can be achieved by a normal cobra but with nearly 90% accuracy. Another one is that it has developed a hood over time which helps in mating and combat.

    Ecosystem linkage, predators, prey and food
    The cobra is a major part of the ecosystem as it is one of the top animals in the food chain. Its predators include mongooses, honey badgers, monitor lizards and predatory birds. Its prey includes rodents and some other small snakes.


  11. Camel
    A camel is a animal that people used to use to get to different locations . The camel lives in the desert . It is adapted to the desert because it has humps on its back to store food , fat and water . I also know the camel are adapted to the desert because its hooves [ feet ] to keep the cool because the desert is a very hot place . The camel won't need food because its hot but he will need energy so he needs a lot of water . The desert is a hot place with only cactuses and sand , you will burn if you go to the desert . The camel eats grass but if you in a desert you would not have grass . A camel will not have two humps .


  12. T I G E R

    The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, most recognisable for their pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. The largest tigers have reached a total body length of up to 3.38 m (11.1 ft) over curves and have weighed up to 388.7 kg (857 lb) in the wild. The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard. Tigers are apex predators, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and bovids. They are territorial and generally solitary but social animals, often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey requirements.

    Tiger’s habitats are actually Boreal Forests (jungles) because they are predators and they eat other types of animals and those animals live there. Tigers are also very tough and strong animals, they can easily jump over 5 meters in length.

    Tiger is symbol of wilderness and well-being of the ecosystem. By conserving and saving tigers the entire wilderness ecosystem is conserved. In nature, barring human beings and their domesticates, rest of the ecosystem is wild. Hence conserving wilderness is important and crucial to maintain the life support system. So saving tiger amounts to saving the ecosystem which is crucial for man's own survival.


  13. Polar Bears:

    Polar Bears are marine mammals and the largest land carnivores which live in the Icy cold, regions of Antartic and the Artic. The Polar Bears live there because of their sturdy mellow fur which keeps them warm against the cold breeze of the freezing snow. They are seen frequently along or near coasts and on Islands, but they spend the majority of their lives on the sea ice. Sea ice is vital to Polar Bears. It provides a platform to them to hunt, live, breed and in some cases, create maternal dens.

    Adaptation of the Polar Bear to their Habitat:

    Polar Bears are specifically adapted to the ice biome because of its thick sturdy fur. Another reason Polar Bears are specifically adapted to the Ice Biome is because most of its prey inhabitates the cold shivering oceans. Also, their white fur helps them blend in with the snow and ice. A Polar Bear has a layer of fat under its skin which helps it stay warm. It also has a thick layer of fur. The wide, large paws help a polar bear to walk in the snow and to hook up its slippery prey. If a Polar Bear was adapted to a savannah(hot biome) then it would die of heat and no water.

    Polar Bear and its links to the Eco system:

    Polar Bears have evolved for a life on the sea ice, which they rely on for reaching their seal prey. But the Arctic sea ice is rapidly diminishing due to a warming earth, affecting the entire Arctic ecosystem, from copepods to seals to walruses. For Polar Bears, sea ice losses mean:

    •Drop in body condition and reduced access to food
    •Lower cub survival rates
    •Increase in drowning
    •Increase in cannibalism
    •Loss of access to denning areas

    Food, prey and predator of the Polar Bear:

    Polar Bears feed almost exclusively on ringed seals and bearded seals. They are also known to eat walruses, beluga whales and bowhead whale carcasses. Fortunately, a Polar Bear has no predator as it is at the top of the food chain.

    Polar Bear endangerment:

    Because of ongoing and potential loss of their sea ice habitat resulting from climate change, polar bears are listed as a threatened species. The survival and the protection of the polar Bear habitat is an urgent issue. Scientists predict that as the Arctic continues to warm, two-thirds of the world’s Polar Bears could disappear within this century.

  14. Intro:
    The white rhinoceros is a unique creature originating from Central and South Africa in the grassy savannah areas. It is an endangered species and there is only 1 male and 2 females left in the world!! The white rhino is a herbivorous creature too. It is also one of the oldest land mammal species. It is the largest rhino species ever discovered.

    The rhino’s weight at birth is between 40 and 60 kilograms. A grown male can weigh between 1800 and 2500 kilograms. A female weighs between 1500 and 2000. The rhino has a thick hide and wrinkly skin. The almost extinct white rhino has a whopping lifespan of 50 years. It has a massive body and large head, a short neck and broad chest. The rhino has a wide neck with strong muscles to support its big head because the food is on the floor so it has to bend down to eat. It also has a broad upper lip to feed on grass. It has hair on the ears, eyelashes and tail tip. The white rhino has 3 toes and a soft elastic sole to balance its heavy body evenly.

    The rhino has several adaptions. Sharp horns to charge into things that try to harm it. The 2 horns are made of keratin so poachers want to hunt it down. Keratin is the same material as our nails so if it breaks it can grow again. A northern white rhino horn can grow up to 40 inches long. A southern white rhino horn can grow up to 80 inches long. The back horn is 22 inches long for both species. It also has large ears to brush away flies and act as a fan. A wide mouth helps it to graze on larger amounts of grass at a time.

    Rhinos often live in small territorial groups to keep the young safe from other predators and poachers. The range of each male territory is up to 3 kilometres squared. The range of each female territory is up to 20 kilometres squared. They mark their own territory with piles of manure. Male rhinos are not very social whereas the female rhinos are very social. During the day, they wallow around and rest or feed on grass. A rhino’s eyesight is very poor; but its hearing and smell is extremely sharp. White rhinos can charge at 45 Km/hr for short distances. The females breed at 7 years old and the males breed at 11 years old. It takes around 16 months for a baby to be born. In only a matter of an hour the young one can stand up. Slowly, it begins to graze in 2 months. The females and juveniles are together for 3 years and then separate. Rhinos communicate by grunts, growls, snorts, squeaks and sometimes bellows. Due to their huge hump rhinos sadly can’t swim.

    - Om

  15. Gobind

    African Lion

    What habitat it lives in?
    African lions mostly live in a tollarance,desert,coastal,woodland also a savanna.The countries that they live in are Angola,Botswana,Mozambique,Tanzainia,The Central African Republic,South Sudan and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa.

    How is it adapted to the habitat?
    It is adapted to the food there because they like to eat because it's food mostly is in Africa they have big big teeth to rip the skin of the animal,rip the animals body to piece by piece it also has to live as an adult to 10-14 years old because lions don't live too long in their life.

    How is it linked to the ecosystem?What it's predator?Whats it's prey/food?
    It's food are buffalos,zebras,elephants lastly girraffes but if it can't eat big things it eats rats,squirrels or even birds.
    If the lion is sick or old it's gets eaten by a hyenas.Even zebras can cobra or a snake can maybe humans can.
    It's linked to the ecosystem from eating big animals,many animals maybe it could eat it's predator.

    Is it endangered or thriving?
    Yes lions are endangered I think because people could maybe eat lions then we could survive.Yes lions are thriving because the are prosperous they are prosperous for catching their food sometimes eating their predator.
