Monday, 9 May 2016


-      Write fact sheet about a country, continent or biome of your choice.



-      A description of the place – rainforest, desert, mountainous

-      Facts about your region – rainfall, temperature

-      Major towns and cities

-      Rivers

-      Which habitats are there
Which animals live there


  1. Marine biome

    The marine is full of water (salt water which means the sea/ocean), it is part of the aquatic biome. It is the biggest biome in the world covering 70% of the earth. It includes 5 or more main oceans and a few bays. It is surrounded with some land and is very huge. There are coral reefs and seaweed below the water but not many other things except sand and rocks. There are 3 layers of the marine biome which are…the euphotic zone, the disphotic zone and the aphotic zone. The euphotic zone is where there is more sunlight, the disphotic zone is the slightly dark one and the aphotic zone is dark and gloomy.

    There are many places of marine water but the closest to us is not the coldest. The coldest marine water is in the north or south. Rainfall depends on the country it is closest to, if it rains in London then the part of marine water that is closer to it would probably rain too, but the most you would feel in marine water is wind which is really regular. It also provides rain too, because it evaporates for the crops.

    Animals in marine biome
    Starfishes, sharks, dolphins, tuna, sea birds, walrus, eel, crabs, jelly fish and fresh and salt water fish are all animals in the marine water that you can find. There are not many habitats there because water is the fish’s habitat anyway.


  2. POPPY
    Isle of Wight

    Area:380 km2
    Island group: British Isles
    Location: English channel

    One of the most famous places in the Isle of Wight is Newport.

    The Isle of Wight is roughly diamond shape and mostly farmland. Some of the island has notable habitats like soft cliffs and sea ledges. The south coast of the island borders the English channel. Without man's intervention the sea might well have split the island into three; at the west end where a bank of pebbles separates Freshwater Bay from the marshy backwaters of the Western Yar east of Freshwater, and at the east end where a thin strip of land separates Sandown Bay from the marshy basin of the Eastern Yar, east of Sandown.

    The Isle of Wight is home to hundreds of animals like foxes, badgers and red squirrels.
    Badger watching is an immensely popular activity throughout the UK, with these distinctive black and white creatures snouting their way into the hearts of everyone.
    Red Squirrels-
    Although these lovely animals are all but extinct in England, there is a thriving population of about 3,500 living on the Isle of Wight. Their delightful little ear tufts make for the most adorable photographs.
    Another one of Britain's best four-legged inhabitants is the fox. Demonised by the press their actually wonderful to watch in the wild

  3. The habitat I am going to tell you is Lanzarote. I have been to Lanzarote every summer since I was 1 year old and my mum used to live there.

    Lanzarote was made from volcanos and lava fields. The landscape is very rocky and there are some mountains.

    August is the hottest month in Lanzarote with an average temperature of 25°C and the coldest is January at 17°C with the most daily sunshine hours at 10 in August. The wettest month is December with an average of 29mm of rain.

    Lanzarote is part of Spain but did you know that it is closer to the coast of North Africa? Sand from the Sahara desert often blows over in a hot wind called the Calima.

    All the houses in Lanzarote are painted white and have blue doors and windows if they are facing the sea, or green or brown doors and windows if they are facing the land. This is because a famous artist and architect named Caesar Manrique who lived on the island wanted to keep Lanzarote looking beautiful so the government made it a law. They also agreed that houses and hotels couldn't be built very high, so nearly all houses have only 2 floors and hotels aren't very tall compared to London.

    Caesar Manrique made lots of big sculptures, paintings and interesting architecture on the island that people visit today.

    Every year Lanzarote hosts an ironman triathlon. Triathletes come from all over the world to take part. they have to swim 3.8km, bike 180.2km and run 42.1 km. It is one of the hardest races in the world.

    The capital city is called Arrecife and this is were the airport is. The capital used to be a place called Teguise, but this is now a big market town. Other big towns are Puerto del Carmen where there are lots of hotels and a very long beach, Playa Blanca where you can get the ferry to Fuertaventura, and Costa Teguise which is popular with wind surfers.

    Because Lanzarote is a volcanic island there are no rivers and lakes. This is because there is no snow on the mountains to melt and make rivers.

    Because Lanzarote has a volcanic ecosystem not many animals live on the island apart from lizards and cockroaches. This is because there are not many trees or streams or rivers. There are lots of birds that come to next in the cliffs on the island. There is a big habitat for sea life with lots of different whales a little way from the coastline. Close to the coast there are rays, octopus, seahorses other fish and lots of marine plants.

  4. Africa is a very sandy place with lots of deserts because its so close to the equator. Africa is so hot because the equator runs straight through it producing a heat wave.Africa has many great towns including,Cape town,Marrakech and Mbabane. All of these city's have something to show like Swaziland produces lots of wines and cape town is 1 of 3 capital city's in Africa. Africa is home to some of the greatest rivers in all of the world including the river Nile and Suez Canal.

  5. Poland,officially the Republic of Poland, is a country in Central Europe, bordered by Germany to the west; the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south; Ukraine and Belarus to the east; and the Baltic Sea, Kaliningrad Oblast (a Russian exclave) and Lithuania to the north.
    Warsaw is the largest city and capital of Poland.
    The other big cities are :Warsaw,Lodz, Krakow, Wroclaw ,Poznan, Gdansk, Szczecin ,Bydgoszcz, Lublin, Katowice. Other popular towns in Poland are : Zakopane, Wisla and Torun.
    Poland’s national symbol is the White Eagle.
    From the west winds bring cool and rainy in summer and heavy snowfalls in winter, while in the east - hot summers and frosty winter. Weather is very unstable, rainy and on overcast days often give way to sunny and clear. Although spring is usually early, May characterizes the last frost, autumn comes late.
    In the northern part of the country and its center lowlands with broad sandy beaches on the Baltic coast is dominated, than mountain ranges of Sudetenland and the Carpathians tower already in the south of Poland. Numerous forests and thousands of lakes and rivers attached the special charm of the Polish highland and lowland landscapes.
    Forests cover over 30% of Poland's land area and the country is the fourth most forested in Europe.
    Of all migratory birds that travel to Europe for the summer, one quarter of them breed in Poland making it the most important bird breeding ground in Europe.

    The 380,000-acre (150,000-hectare) Bialowieza Primeval Forest in Poland is Europe’s last ancient forest and home to 800 European bison, Europe’s heaviest land animals.

  6. Intro
    Canada is known for one of the countries. Canada has lots of mountains for hiking. Canada’s border with America is the world’s longest border. Most of its land is forest, tundra and the rocky mountains.
    Winters can be very cold in most of Canada, but in the south areas the summer is very warm.
    Canada have many large countries like Toronto, Vancouver, montreal and in montreal they speak French, the capital of Canada is Ottawa.
    The rocky mountains are in the northern part of the british colambia which stretches out to new mexico. On the rocky mountains are animals like elk, moose, mule, white tailed deer, pronghorn, mountain goats, bighorn sheeps, badgers, black bears, grizzly bears, coyotes, lynexs and wolverines.

  7. France
    France is in Europe and the capital is Pairs. Their language is French. In France, the longest river is the river Loire. They also have mountains in parts of France; one range is called French Alps. France generally has cool winter and mild summer. The beautiful France is well known for: cheese, perfume, wine and cars. There are lots of landmarks in Pairs that interest visitor’s minds such as the Eiffel tower, the Louvre, Montmartre and the Latin Quarter. In France there are over 350 types of cheese!
    Mountains are homes to the ibex, deer, wolves, beavers and vultures. In France there are a lot of large mammals, here are some of them: wild boar, reo deer, Red deer, foxes and brown bear. One of the horses that live in France is a Camaguey horse, which lives in the south of France.



    England is a part of the UK. This is probably the biggest country in the UK and has the most population. The other countries in the UK are Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


    The capital of England is London. Other than being the capital, London is important because the Queen lives there. There are also fun and exciting landmarks such as the river Thames or the London eye. There is also the Elizabeth tower, the houses of parliament, Hyde park, Olympic park, Trafalgar square, Windsor castle, Buckingham palace and the Prime Minister lives there too.


    London has many rivers the main river that flows through London is the river Thames. Other then that London has 35 more river, which includes the river Crane, the river Lea, the river Fleet, the river Tyban, the river Effra and the river Wandle.


    The temperature in England is usually pretty cold, but 2015's summer reached 30 degrees! It rains a lot here but not too much in the summer.


    Mostly the habitats here are:




    but there are forests,rivers and country sides to.


    The animals that live here are:
    horses,sheep,fish,cows,rabbits ,dogs ,cats
    and many many more.

  9. Africa

    Africa is the worlds second largest continent after Asia. Africa has many habitats with 8 different biomes. Additionally, it has many deserts too.

    Africa is located over the equator and spans across the Tropic of cancer in the North and Tropic of Capricorn in the south. The zero meridian also passes through Africa. It has Europe in the North, Asia in the East , the Atlantic Ocean in the west and Antartica in the South.

    Habitat and animals:
    Africa has many habitats like chaparral,desert,temperate deciduous forest, coniferous forest and high mountain ice. Different animals have adapted to these habitats. Camels, scorpions and lizards all live in the Sahara desert. There is a wide range of animals living in the chaparral from elephants to condors to kangaroos. Hawks, cardinals and snowy owls all live in the temperate deciduous forest.

    Continent transformation:
    There aren't many cities in Africa because there is so less vegetation and more of deserts. Major cities either lie on the coast or besides rivers. The Nile river is the longest river in the world and is the life line of Africa. It has major cities like Cairo,Luxor,Aswan etc.

    More facts:
    - Africa has the biggest desert in the world
    - It's shape is similar to South America


  10. Rainforest
    The rainforest is a vibrant,thriving and tropical ecosystem with wide variety of species, many unknown to mankind. It covers a mere 6% of the earth’s land surface. Sadly, we are losing half a acre of rainforest every second. At this rate , all rainforests would be gone in about forty years. Not only endangered itself, many creatures which live in the rainforest are extremely rare and are dying of poaching every day. With dense jungles, the rainforest rains many times over the course of the year. Also with a rich habitat, rainforest are a tropical paradise to many creatures. Despite the lack of area the rainforests hold, 50% of the world's animals and bugs and many of the foods we eat such as coffee, bananas, lemons, oranges, cacao and cashew nuts are found in these dense jungles . Not only home to creatures such as mammals, birds, insects, arachnids, amphibians and reptiles the rainforests are a home to a great amount of plants.

    Facts about the rainforests rainfall and temperature :
    The rainfall in the rainforest is always heavy, almost always with an over average monsoon ( an annual heavy rainfall). The large majority of creatures that live in the rain forest are adapted to like rain, in fact even the plants are evolved to like it. Rain forests belong to the tropical wet climate group. The temperature in a rain forest rarely gets higher than 93 °F (34 °C) or drops below 68 °F (20 °C). The average humidity levels through out the year are 77-88% and rain level is normally about one hundred inches. The reason that rainforest's humidity levels are so high is the mixture of scorching heat and a lot of rain. This attracts many creatures like mosquitoes and flies which may suck blood and give someone malaria.

    Major cities and towns:
    The Amazon rain forest city ,Manaus, is a major rainforest city with a population of two million people in 2014. Originally known as Lugar de Barra do Rio Negro,the town was founded in 1693–94 and has a cathedral, an international airport and native people museums. Macapa is also a rainforest city in Brazil with a population of 369,287 Macapa is a crowded little city , located on the northern channel of the Amazon River near its mouth at the Atlantic Ocean. The city was first laid out in 1764 and made a city in 1854, it took so long due to illness among the Indian workers and numerous escapes by slaves. The city was named after bacabas , fruits taken from local pine trees.

    One of the most commonly known rivers of the world, the Amazon river is the second longest river in the world , with a massive delta, the Amazonian river flows through the Amazon rainforest and has a powerful current and is home to many creatures. The Orinoco river is another one that flows through a rain forest, 73% is in Venezuela and the remaining 27% in Columbia. It is 2,140 kilometres long and another major river network made of countless smaller canals, brooks and streams. The yellow river is a whopping 5,464 kilometres, the third longest river in Asia and ranks sixth longest river in the world . Its province is Quinghai, its mouth is the Bonghai sea and the source is the Bayan Har Mountains. Most of the rivers with a large capacity of water are in rainforests as it rains a lot in those areas.

    Continues in next comment... Chanakya

  11. Continued...

    What animals live there :
    In the rainforests, live some of the most amazing creatures in the world including snakes, tigers, poison dart frogs and the most venomous spider in the world, the Brazilian wandering spider. The Brazilian wandering spider or Phoneutria is a aggressive species (typical to a wandering spider) and has the most powerful venom in the world, although people have found a effective antidote the venom is still deadly. A poison dart frog is a species of poisonous frog, depending on its species its skin is a different vibrant colour to say to enemies “Don't touch me”. With a lethal toxin at touch, the venom causes nervous system failure. The pit viper or crotalinae is a species of viper in a subfamily of venomous snakes found in Eurasia or the Americas. They are distinguished by a heat sensing pit between the eyes and nostril and on either side of the head. Normally these vipers are nocturnal and hunt for rodents such as rats and mice. With a ability to sense heat this makes them a formidable predator of the night and another feature of the viper is its bumpy skin which protects it from thorns.


  12. Gobind

    It's very hard to describe India in short words but I tried to explain.

    India is the 7th largest country,2nd largest population country in the world,has 29 states,the capital of India is Delhi it is a multicultural country it has 22 official languages the national language is Hindi.Indian people celebrate lots of festivals like Diwali,Basaikhi,Christmas,Eid,Pongal,Dushara and many others.

    India is a agricultural country it depends on our rivers in India.Ganga is the most sacred river of India also is known around the world for its significance of purity in the Hindu culture it has many other rivers like Yamuna,Sariswati,Narmada,Indus,Krishna,Sutlej,Gomti etc.

    India is full of habitats because so many kings have ruled India they have built monuments,castles,temples,parks,etc.The most famous are Taj Mahal,Redforts,The Golden Temple,Jama Masjid,Mysore Palace,Hawa Mahal,Gateway of India,etc.

    India has lots of animal that live live in jungles even zoo's the most famous are Asian Elephants,Lions,Great Indian Rhionceras,Lepoard,Neelgai,Royal Bengal Tiger,Chinkara,Flying Fox,etc.

  13. Description :The United States of America is a huge country. It is made up of 50 states(including Alaska and Hawaii).It has 2 big mountains and they are Mount Elbert and Mount Rainier. There are 2 water falls Yosemite and Niagara falls.Fact! Niagara falls is one of the biggest falls in the world !
    Region: The temperature in Fahrenheit is from 25f to 84 f. the precipitation is 50.1 to 60.The United States is the fourth-largest country in the world, with an area of over 9.8 million sq km/3.7 million sq mi.The reason for this variation of weather is the country's position in the belt of disturbed westerly winds so that, for much of the year,most regions of the USA are affected by cyclonic storms, or depressions, with associated warm and cold fronts.
    The central part of the USA - the Great Plains - which extend from the Rockies in the west to the Appalachian Mountains in the east, is mainly flat and mostly below 600 m/2,000 ft in height. This area is wide open to the influence of two very contrasting types of air-masses.
    When one air-mass replaces another, particularly during winter and spring, the temperature may change by as much as 22°C/40°F to 28°C/50°F within a few hours. Some parts of the USA are liable to experience two particularly violent and destructive weather phenomena: hurricanes and tornadoes. Hurricanes affect the south-eastern states bordering the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic once or twice in most years.
    These tropical storms, which bring very strong winds and torrential rainfall, move north-eastwards from the Caribbean region before dying out in mid-Atlantic. A tornado is a very much more local and destructive storm of wind, often described as a 'whirlwind' or, in the USA, as a 'twister'. They mainly occur in spring and summer on days when there are violent thunderstorms associated with rapid changes of temperature along, or near, a cold front.

    Major towns and cities:Los Angeles,California, Chicago,Houston,Texas, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, San Diego, Texas, San Fransisco,Ohio,Boston; Massachusetts, Washington;DC, Lasvegas, Miami; Florida, Virginia,Florida, Pittsburgh, Alaska, Orlando,New York

    Major River : Missouri,Arkansas, Mississippi, Colorado, Yukon, Rio Grande, Brazos,St. Lawrence,Columbia,

    Habitats :
    Forests:All of the forests in the continental United States are temperate forests (located between the boreal and sub-tropical zone). Eastern temperate forests tend to have cold winters and wet, hot summers. Deciduous trees (those that lose their leaves in the fall) like oak and maple thrive in these conditions. In fact, most eastern forests are defined by the mix of oak, maple, birch and other trees that grow there.
    Generally speaking, deciduous trees dominate the forests of the Eastern United States, while coniferous trees (those that keep their leaves year-round) predominate in western forests. What kind of wildlife would you expect to live in the forests Western United States?
    Wetlands:Though all wetlands contain water at least periodically, the volume of water and the amount of time a wetland is "wet" varies greatly. They also vary in size, from wading-pool sized vernal pools to thousands of acres along coastlines or rivers.
    Arctic: Due to high latitude and the tilt of the earth, the arctic experiences light and temperature extremes throughout the calendar year. The plants and animals of the tundra must be adapted to face these challenges, including not only extremes of day length and temperatures, but also harsh winter winds, long periods of below-freezing temperatures, and permanently frozen ground.
    Grasslands:Grasslands are characterized as areas where grasses are the predominant vegetation and the subsoil is dry with seasonal moisture in the upper soil layers.
    Common animals
    Bald eagle,Skunk, Racoon, Rattle snake, Sea lions, Porcupine, Bobcat, Chipmunk, Purple Finch,Manatee,Pink Flamingo,Alligator

    - Sid

  14. I N D I A

    India has many major towns and cities with an incredible popularity. Also, it has many rivers and oceans such as river Ganges and the Indian Ocean. Moreover, the temperature level in India is also very high sometimes, since it is closer to the equator.
    India is a peninsular shaped country surrounded on three sides by ocean. It’s one of the most populated country which stands second in the world. Delhi is its capital. The other big cities are Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Nagpur etc. It has many important seaports. It has very high mountain range like Himalayas on the north border which has the highest peak Everest which is the highest in the world. India has three main seasons like summer, winter and monsoon. It contains lower planes along the sea-shores. There is a very high and large Plateau from Mumbai to Bangalore called Sahyadri mountain plateau.
    India has many deep forest areas providing safe habitats for animals like lions, tigers, elephants, deer, cows, buffalos, horses, monkeys, foxes, hippos, rabbits, serpents etc. and birds like crows, pigeons, vultures, parrots, sparrows etc.
    India has big rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Brahmaputra and five big rivers in the Punjab state flowing from Himalayas down to Indian oceans. There are other big rivers like Mahi, Sabarmati, Narmada, Tapi, Saraswati, Kauvari. The rivers like Bias, Satlaje and other group of three rivers make fertile land of Punjab.
    India is rather cold on the northern hilly areas and becomes hotter as we go to the south side. It has variety of crops like wheat, rice, maize, corn, millet, gram, sugarcanes, cotton, jute etc. India is very rich in fruit crops like bananas, mangos, coconut, apple, guava, oranges etc. It is also very rich in various vegetable crops like cabbage, cauliflower, aubergine, okra, potatoes, sweet potatoes and many leafy vegetables. India’s agriculture is mostly dependant on the rains in the monsoon and India has developed a technology to achieve a green revolution in agriculture.
    India has many big industries like steel plants, coal mines, jute industries, cotton cloth textile industries, marble industries, aeronautics industries. India is also very rich in other metal industries.



    Portugal is a lovely , hot place . Not Many people live in Portugal but when it is the holiday many people come to Portugal from around the world . There is a castle of St George because St George is many countries St including our . Portugal looks really small on a map and it is very small indeed . It is right beside Spain .

    The weather in Portugal is mostly hot , there might be a bit of rain but there won't be to much of it . In the summer there are probably no days with rain . When it is not summer there will probably be some rain . I've never been to Portugal when it's not summer so I don't know what the weather is . I watch it on the weather forcast Portugal .

    BY : RUBEN

  16. The Savanna Grasslands

    In the world, there are various biomes. Biomes are areas with different animals, plants, and weather. The different biomes are: tropical rainforest, temperate forest, desert, tundra, taiga, grassland, savanna, freshwater, marine and ice. The tropical rainforest is very humid but very wet and has no dry seasons. Additionally, a wide variety of animals live there. The temperate forest has 4 seasons and trees shed their leaves in the fall season. The desert is definitely the hottest biome on earth and is an extreme environment as it can get very cold too. The animals live underground and the plants have the tolerance to live in such weather. The Tundra has a short summer and long winters. Under the soil there is a layer of ice and trees can’t penetrate this layer, so only small plants such as bushes and shrubs grow there. The Taiga is a boreal forest which usually is covered in snow and is home to river otter, lynx, bald eagles, black bears and cougars.

    I have chosen the savanna grasslands also known as prairies, pampas and steppes. It is a large, rolling terrain of grasses, flowers and herbs. Furthermore, it has 2 seasons; wet and dry. The savanna dominates Africa and Brazil because they are extremely close to the equator. Australia also has a large savanna region. To add, the savanna is actually one quarter of the whole earth. It has characteristics of a desert and a forest and many hooved animals have a habitat there. In fact, grasslands surround every desert in Asia.

    Animal and plant life:
    Many animals thrive here such as: lions, elephant, zebra, giraffe, bison and other herd animals. The acacia tree the eucalyptus tree, the kangaroo, wallaby, and many other animals live and grow in the Australia region of savanna. The soil in the savanna is not very fertile because the laterite part contains a lot of iron so plants can’t go through it. Trees cannot grow close to each other because they need wider roots to cover more ground for more moisture.

    A grassland is a region where the average annual precipitation is around (600 mm (24 in) and 1,500 mm 59in) into support grasses, and in some areas a few trees. Summer temperatures can be well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit whereas winter temperatures can be as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit. There are generally four types of tropical savanna climate. Distinct wet and dry seasons are of relatively equal duration. Most of the region's annual rainfall is experienced during the wet season and very little rain falls during the dry season. On one extreme, the region receives just enough rain during the short wet season to preclude it from a semi-arid climate classification. This drier variation of the tropical savanna climate is typically found adjacent to regions with semi-arid climates. On the other extreme, the climate features a lengthy dry season followed by a short but extremely rainy wet season.

    Regards, Om

  17. India often attracts generalisations and stereotyping, but more often it defies them. After all, it is an enormous and varied place with the genetic, linguistic, culinary and sartorial diversity which are usually found in a continent. Sam Miller, a former BBC Delhi correspondent who has spent more than half his adult life in India, has chosen 10 'big' facts about India.India's population will (probably) overtake China's in 2028.

    According to UN estimates, India will become the most populous country in the world in just 14 years' time, when it will have about 1.45 billion inhabitantsFor many in India, becoming the most populous country will be an achievement, marking the country's progress in its rivalry with China.

    For others, particularly from the older generations, it represents a failure of the country's decades-old attempts to bring its population under control - which included a controversial and counter-productive mass sterilisation campaign during the 1970s.

    In fact, birth rates have fallen significantly in almost all parts of India, driven by female education, rising household incomes and greater availability of contraception though this has been partially offset by increased life expectancy.

    India's population is likely to reach about 1.6 billion in the 2060s, before decreasing to about 1.5 billion by the end of the century.
