Friday, 24 June 2016

Play Script

This week we have been writing play scripts in class.  Write your own script to match this picture of a scene from midsummer night’s dream.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Transport Timeline

-      Literacy (20mins): Next week we will be visiting the transport museum.  For your homework we would like you to create a timeline of modes of transport.  The time-line should span from the Roman Era to today.  Please include detailed descriptions and images or sketches. 
-      The following are websites that may help you;

If you are unable to access the internet please visit the library or see your teacher for information. 

Friday, 10 June 2016

Some one special

-      In PSHE we will be talking about people that are important to us.  Please bring in a photo or drawing of someone special to you that you can stick in your book.

-      Write a paragraph describing the person and why they are special to you.  Try to include:


o   Expanded noun phrases (eg When I go to her small house she gives me a great big loving hug.)

  • Fronted adverbials (eg In the morning, he makes my breakfast)
Conjunctions (eg When I am feeling down she tells me a joke so I forget my worries.)