Tuesday, 1 March 2016


For our book week topic we have been looking at the book ‘Flotsam’. In the story some mysterious photographs are found by a boy on the beach. There are lots of unusual pictures of creatures underwater such as mechanical fish, octopuses sitting on sofas and a turtle with a whole city on its back.


For your homework, imagine or draw your own underwater scene and then write a paragraph describing what’s in the photograph you have created. Try to use similes and metaphors in your description.


  1. Skyscrapers almost touched the surface like the empire state building. The street lights beamed like the sun. The hull of titanic lumbered on the dark mossy streets underneath were she met he death. The waves crashed over head. All the lights were out except the street lights of course. The fish gracefully yet alone and scared a shark might come moved along.

  2. It was a very exiting rugby match going on, as exciting as if you found out that you won the lottery for £1,000,000! The audience sprung onto their seats and there were fishes cheering for squids to win and turtles cheering for starfishes. The squids were way faster than the starfish, but the starfish looked stronger. Unfortunately, for the starfish, the squids already got a point. The audience were cheering out by blowing bubbles after each and every goal. Also bubbles whooshed up as the players grabbed the ball off each other. The match was so rough that the players were playing as if it was a life or death situation.


  3. This description is about Nemo’s birthday party under the sea. There are lots of underwater guests, some of the creatures are as big as a hippo and others are as small as a blueberry. They are sitting at a huge, brown, wooden table, which is decorated with confetti as coloured as a rainbow. The table is full of delicious food such as plankton sandwiches, algae crisps, sushi and jelly fish and ice cream. The presents are piled up as tall as the Eiffel tower, and as coloured as coral reef. Also there is a DJ and there is a dancefloor so everyone can listen to music also to have fun. The dance floor was jam packed like sardines in a tin. Nemo loved all the presents that the underwater animals gave him. He is excited to try all the presents out. That is my description of a underwater birthday party.

  4. The lost underworld

    This picture is called the Lost Underworld. It is so called because not many people know where it is. I would describe it as fun and a festive atmosphere because most celebrations are there. There are varieties of pretty fishes that are watching the fabulous lion and dragon dance. Some fishes are busy standing higher up to see the dance. There is a yellow lion which is going to hop on a stool, a green dragon following a fire red ball and a black lion going to get the beautiful treasure chest at the side. The ocean is really crowded because there are so many bright animals such as small fishes with a variety of bright colours, peachy jelly fish, red crabs, colourful seahorses, yellow star fish, blue dolphins and a lazy clam lying on the floor.. They all gather around staring and clapping every movement the lion and dragon take.. It is as noisy as a thousand loud drums. It takes up a lot of space but it is very colourful and bright. It’s as bright as the sun. They all are enjoying this wonderful and exciting performance. They all watch the spectacular performance till midnight


  5. In the Ocean where two fish, five starfish and a turtle. Like they were in a football tournament they started playing with each other. Instead of a ball they used a rock. They got cold and the sea was a blanket to them. Later on, they saw a squid playing with his friend octopus, so everyone joined in. Altogether they played catch with a rock. They've had lots of fun together, but they didn't realize that they've been watched by a shark and it was also night time. Fortunately for them the shark was very friendly and wanted to join in. So they let him join in.

  6. It was an exciting day at the park because there was a bake sale. The sound was as loud as a football match. The grass was made extra green and there were floating balloons. The starfish were helping to set up the table at the middle of the park, near the goldfish’s table and next to the shark one. The sharks moved the blue and pink flowers to the side of the park as they were as beautiful as ruby and they did not what them to get stepped on. The swings had a line for it as the squid take so long to clean it. Fishes were holding signs to say the bake sale is to day as they were a change of date. Meanwhile, fishes were trying the cakes that were already set up.

  7. There was a really exhilarating foot ball match where there were more than a million sea creatures in the crowd. There was a lot of noise and cheering.
    It was the finals of the Sea Foot Ball Championship,it was dolphins' against orcas' !! It was a very aggressive match indeed ,you should have seen those big slide tackles and injuries.One dolphin and orca even broke his fin and both were taken out of the match and the spare player s had to go on the pitch. The prize was a million pounds for the team who won! They were playing as if there was a war going on.There was lot of commotion as the players tried to take possession of the ball. Ocars' were clever to take moves whereas dolphins' were faster.At half-time the score was two all.It looked like an amazing match.


  8. In this picture there is a lumanarti. A lumanarti is a yellow triangle with one eye but this one is coloured black. There is also a secret unbreakable code that lies with in this mysterious picture. In the 'ADB CAM',a fiery swordfish,which swims as fast as 1000 rocket engines crashed into it in the alien seas. Behind the cryptic,obscure waters lay the sparkling Gup-S. The Gup-S was built to explore places better and discover things. It is also an amphibious vehicle. There is a puzzling triangle shaped creature roaming in the mystical waters. If you look closer it actually is a fish although the stomach is in his fin with green extraterrestrials inside. A red brave fish is sitting on a chair along with an octopus rover. The octopus rover is as high as an house which wanted to pounce on the triangular fish and make it a football pitch.


  9. Many good footballing starfish and turtles were playing for their squads . It was a very intense match , turtles were better than starfish but starfish were ahead by 3 points and turtles made a comeback . Then 89 minutes into the match , Starfish got a penalty , all of the fans were as quiet as mouse and STARFISH SCORES !!!! Comentators shouted and shrieked . Everyone was so happy !

    By Ruben

  10. Anonymous Beheshta 3 March 2016

    Under the sea scene is very beautiful and colorful with different kinds of creatures,like rainbows,different kinds of fishes,crabs,squids,octopuses,sharks,wales,dolphins,snakes,mermaids,sea horses and many more creatures which are really amazing and anyone can be wonder and amazed by looking and thinking the way they are living and finding their foods. There are turtles going slow as a slug.

  11. The Titanic Discovery
    In the corner there was a date of the 12th of April 1985. In the picture I could see two divers with big hefty masks and their faces were not visible to me from this particular angle. From the darkness of the sea they were probably 12,000ft+, down. On the left there was a small turtle staring back at me with cute and innocent eyes. Below it covering the bottom of the painting there was a magnificent blue whale. Beautiful coral filled the right hand side of a small bright capsule with the letters Argo on it.

    In the background even larger than the whale was a ship half in half out of the sand as if it was desperate to be found. Near the top of the ship was written TITANIC. It was covered in seaweed and rusted all over. The first thing I saw was a board that was also rusted and said Br ge De k which I recognised and thought it said Bridge Deck. The door to the engine room of this legendary ship was large and bulky. The great rusted engines were exposed and falling apart. Above I could see part of the higher decks and the door to a long and endless hall leading up a grand but broken staircase. If it was new then it would have probably had huge chandeliers a few 1000 tables and a massive stage. The remaining’s of the stage was visible but just as a pile of wood planks on top of each other. In the corner was a rotten looking bathroom with chipped toilets and a few sinks hanging from a pipe. What A Wreck!.!.!

    Regards - Om

  12. When I went snorkelling under the sea I saw other people gliding as smoothly as silk. They stopped swimming and were hovering above a shipwreck like a kite hovering in the sky. I saw small lemon sharks swimming fast through the water like a cheetah sprinting on land, they were chasing fish to eat. I saw little fish as colourful as the rainbow hiding in the reef poking their heads out to check when the cost was clear. The sea became stormy and fierce like a lion roaring. The sea was crashing against the rocks like thunder making the sand swirl blocking my vision of seeing what was around me. I tried to swim away but it felt like I was swimming through tar. The storm was making it so difficult. Just then my dad grabbed me and pulled me to safety, we got into our boat and sailed to shore.

  13. This picture is of underwater Olympics 2016. It is as colorful as a rainbow with different alluring colours. There were races going on everywhere. The colossal blue whales were the judges who looked as big as the mighty Titanic. All the sea creatures were queuing up to participate in the exciting races. The queues were piling up and stretching as tall as the Shard. There were Sea Horses, Sharks, Fishes, Octopuses, Squids, Star fishes, Dolphins, Crabs, Snakes, Jelly fishes and many more all eagerly waiting to race. All the bright and cheerful colours of the sea creatures looked like a theme park glittering in the night. The turtle coaches announced the championships. There was under water football, rough rugby, hard hurdling, bouncy basketball, super swimming and many more. There was entertainment all around,with friendly matches and it felt like an amusing celebration.

  14. POPPY

    In my head I imagine a deep blue sea party with a walrus, turtle, fish and sharks. The shark has headphones on and is as cool as a DJ. The fish are on the dance floor havin' a party. The fishes are eating in the corner from the food table.
