Friday, 27 November 2015

Indoor or Outdoor PE?

Indoor or outdoor PE?

Whether you're looking forward to PE or dreading it can massively depend on one thing: whether it's an indoor class or and outdoor one. Which do you prefer?

Write a balanced argument for and against outdoor P.E. remember to include the features we have talked about in class; rhetorical questions, expert opinion and statistics. Try to link all of your examples using conjunctions (e.g moreover, furthermore, in addition or firstly). Use the same structure we have practiced:-

Argument for -
Argument against-

Friday, 20 November 2015

Should children have their TV or computer time limited?

H ow much time do you spend watching TV or playing on the computer?
Well a study reckons that too many kids are having too much screen time.
The report found that by the time a child is seven they could have spent around a year of their life looking at TV and computer screens.
Some experts think that if you're between 7 and 12-years-old you should limit yourself to an hour a day to help your brain develop better.
For your homework write a paragraph either for or against answering the question:
Should children have their TV and computer time limited?

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Is learning to swim important?

Almost half of children leaving primary school can't swim well enough according to a report by the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA).

The ASA say that children should be able to swim the National Curriculum standard of 25 metres without any help before they reach secondary school.

But many schools say that getting you guys to the baths and back again without taking up too much of the school day is a real struggle.

We are lucky enough to have swimming lessons at school.  Not all children learn to swim at school.  Do you think it is important?  Write a balance argument giving reasons for and against.   You could use the following headings:

- Why it is important to learn to swim.
- Why learning to swim at school may not be a good idea.
- Conclusion

Friday, 6 November 2015


-      Literacy (20mins):

This week we have been looking at work by Kandinsky.  We talked about how different art work can create certain moods and feelings.  We have also learnt about various artistic techniques eg brush techniques and colour mixing.  Choose one of the Kandinsky pieces.   Describe the piece of art work in detail. What shapes can you see? What does it remind you of? How was it painted? How does it make you feel?

When writing try to use;

-Expanded noun phrases


-Multi-clause sentences

-Similes and metaphors

Monday, 2 November 2015

Ancient Egypt

-      Literacy (20mins): Here is a picture from The British Museum

Write a paragraph about it answering these questions:

-      What can you see?

-      What do you think is happening in the picture?

-      Are there any things that we still use today?

-      Why do you think this picture was painted?

Once you have written your paragraph you might like to find out more by visiting the link above.