Friday, 27 November 2015

Indoor or Outdoor PE?

Indoor or outdoor PE?

Whether you're looking forward to PE or dreading it can massively depend on one thing: whether it's an indoor class or and outdoor one. Which do you prefer?

Write a balanced argument for and against outdoor P.E. remember to include the features we have talked about in class; rhetorical questions, expert opinion and statistics. Try to link all of your examples using conjunctions (e.g moreover, furthermore, in addition or firstly). Use the same structure we have practiced:-

Argument for -
Argument against-


  1. POPPY
    There has been much discusion about wheather outdoor or indoor P.E. is better
    as many belive that going outdoors for P.E. is worse as it is sometimes cancelled because of britains rubbish weather!

    Most P.E. teachers belive that it is better outside as there is more room to play with balls and to throw things . They belive that it also helps them co-operate with each other as they have more room to do so. In addition to that if we don't go outside for P.E. we may have trouble playing more harder games also fresh air is good for your insides.

    With indoor P.E. you may be able use more equipment like gymnastics mats which
    would be quite awkward on a field or on a stone floor. Plus, you can still have your lesson if it is raining so you wouldn't have to cancel P.E..

    In conclution, we have decided to keep our wonderful outside P.E. lessons as it is one of the most joyful lessons in school!

  2. Many people have been discussing about whether or not children should be doing outdoor or indoor PE. People are now voting if children should do outdoor or indoor PE.
    Firstly, if children do PE indoors they won’t get vitamin D from sunlight. Furthermore, if children do PE indoors they won’t get fresh air. Additionally, indoor space is often limited, whereas on the playground children can have plenty of space. 60% of people agreed with this.
    However, children cannot always do PE outdoors because it might be rainy, muddy, stormy, cold or snowy outside. So in those circumstances it’s beneficial to do PE indoors. In addition to the above, there are certain sports activities (for example, badminton) which can be done indoors only. 40% of people agreed with this.
    As a result, 60% of people voted for doing PE outdoors and 40% for indoors 60% is more however, doing PE indoors is safer from cold weather and rain and things like that. In my opinion, doing PE regularly is important. Therefore although we should aim at doing PE outdoors as much as possible, when outdoor PE is not possible we should continue doing PE indoors.


    1. i like your argument pritesh :)


  3. There is currently a discussion about whether or not we should do indoor or outdoor PE lessons. One of the arguments for children participating in outdoor PE come from Peripatetic practitioner William Allen, author of Games, Ideas and Activities for Primary PE, he said in an article on the BBC website that "PE is now a gateway to doing things outside school,". This is important because according to Ben Fogle, the adventurer, "British children are losing their sense of adventure as a quarter spend less than 30 minutes a week playing outside." By participating in outdoor PE this may encourage more children to play outside more often giving them fresh air and sunlight. It will also get them away from computer games and tv and give them a chance to be creative when they play.

    The argument against outdoor PE is that in the winter it is cold and wet. It can be icy and snowy outside too. This may put off a lot of children because they might get a cold and then they won't enjoy it. If they don't enjoy it they are less likely to do well and they won't want to do it again.

    One way to ensure that children enjoy PE both indoors and outdoors it to make sure it is fun for everyone. If it is fun then children won't worry about the cold.

  4. In the Houses of Parliament Scientists are debating about whether or not schools should have indoor or outdoor PE.

    Firstly, people in the United Kingdom think we should have indoor PE, because it is mostly cold and rainy, so then when the children are doing outdoor PE they can be easily ill. Additionally the children can be covered in mud and can get seriously injured. However in indoor PE teachers can use lots of props they can't use outside e.g mattresses, bars, gymnastics horses.

    In addition the teachers prefer outdoor PE, because there is more space for games,children get fresh air and there is less chance of slipping than indoor. Also in outdoor you can do racing, football and rugby which in indoor its not enough room.

    In conclusion I think that children should have indoor and outdoor PE depending on the weather and exercising prepared for the day. You can't always do some things outside or other things inside.

    Furthermore, if children do outdoor PE they will get


  5. There has been much discussion of if outdoor or indoor PE is better. We are starting a vote for this in October and so far more people like outdoor PE but the result could change. Britain’s weather allows outdoor PE to be cancelled most of the time.

    The majority of PE teachers believe that outdoor PE is better. Firstly, because there is more room to play in so if you throw a ball it will not break anything. Furthermore, the children will get fresh air and more vitamins then when they were inside. Moreover, inside you have to book a slot and there is a certain amount of space. Additionally inside you can disturb other classes when they are doing their work but outside we won’t disturb them.
    However, outdoor PE makes your shoes get muddy when it has been raining all day and the weather will get really cold especially in winter when all sorts of things can happen. In addition, inside you can use more equipment like gymnastics mats which you wouldn’t put outdoors because it would get muddy so you so can’t put it inside again. This equipment could also be too heavy to carry outside.
    In conclusion, the majority has voted for outdoor PE and that was 65% and indoor PEs votes were 35% so PE teachers try to do as much outdoor PE as possible.

  6. P.E. is one of the most interactive subjects in school but some people say that it should only be inside or outside.

    9 0ut of 10 pe0ple say that you should only have P.E. outdoors because it provides more space to run around in.

    People say no because and you should go indoors to discover the indoor sports such as dance and other.

    After considering both arguments for and against we have come to a dicision we’ve desided for both inside and outside to be mixed.

  7. Indoor or Outdoor PE?

    As there is PE in school many students and a few teachers are fussing about whether or not to have PE indoor or outdoor. Some people think that it depends on the weather and I think it is true as well. The statutory guidance from Department for Education said that pupils should be taught to use running, jumping, throwing, catching and take part in outdoor and adventurous activities but that would be outside and if it is winter then it would be cold and maybe rainy or snowing. The Tellus4survey found that 21% of pupils (in 6, 8 and 10) said they did something active every day during lesson time, whilst 74% said they were active some/most days, and 5% said they were never active during lesson time (Chamberlain et al. 2010).

    Argument for:
    Many people say being outside is better than being inside doing PE. Firstly children could get fresh air outside the class room during the good weather. In addition to that some sport like football, golf and baseball are not suitable indoor. Moreover, there are certain activities such as running and playing football inside can be very dangerous because children could trip over or slip and get hurt. Those mentioned activities require large and open space.

    Argument against:
    Other people think that being inside is better. Firstly, if the weather was cold, snowy or rainy then it would be better to stay inside so children will not get a cold or get wet. Furthermore, the security measure having PE indoor will be safer compared to outdoor. Last but not least, if it rains then children can slip and hurt themselves easily when they run very fast. Also PE in an open space would require more supervision, whereas PE indoor has less supervision as the children has less space indoor.

    In my opinion both indoor and outdoor PE are good depending on the weather. I would prefer to stay indoor during wet seasons and go outdoor when it is a warm season. From the CBBC’s survey, it has shown that 44% of people prefer outdoor PE and 56% of people voted indoor PE. Do you think that the outcome vote will be 50% and 50% if the vote opened for longer?


  8. There has been much discussion about whether or not physical education should take part indoors or outdoors.
    There are several reasons why there should be outdoor P.E instead of indoor P.E. Firstly, you will get more space for the sport you are focusing on. Moreover, outside you can play more team sports. Finally, you can get more fresh air outside.
    On the other hand, I think that indoor P.E is better because firstly you will get more equipment like gym apparatus and exercise equipment. Secondly, if the weather was bad, you would not have to cancel P.E as you will be able to practice P.E indoors all year round.
    I conclude that indoor P.E will benefit children more because you will get a chance to use equipment more and if it rains, you can still do P.E.

  9. Ishan

    Indoor or Outdoor P.E

    There has been a considerable debate on whether or not we should be doing P.E indoors or outdoors.

    There are several reasons why people should do outdoor sports as well as indoor P.E. Firstly, children won't get as much fresh air if they only do P.E indoors. Moreover by preventing children from playing outdoor sports they are restricting children from playing a larger variety of sports, such as football, hockey, rugby and athletics all of which require wide open space.

    However, on the other hand, you might not be able to do P.E outdoors because it might be raining, snowing or the ground might be too wet or too muddy.Additionally it is beneficial to play sports like badminton indoors because some people can hit the shuttle-cock really high and if you play outside it can get lost somewhere. Furthermore by doing P.E indoors children can be less likely to get hurt or fall ill from the cold and the rain, also if you fall over indoors it won't hurt as much the concrete.

    In conclusion , I think that people should do P.E indoors in the winter and outdoor P.E in the summer. Indoors can sometimes be bigger than playgrounds so you can have more open space.
    What do you think? Where do you think you should do P.E, indoors or Outdoors.

  10. Firstly, there has been many discussions about wether or not we should have indoor or outdoor P.E.
    I don't think it is a good idea to have indoor P.E. Furthermore you will have a tight area and you won;t have enough space to do some activities. Moreover you won't get any fresh air.
    On the other hand , out side you will get a lot of fresh air and way more space to run around. If you are tired the wind is there to cool you down after running around.

    I personally think that it is a good idea to have outdoor P.E as we get fresh air and more space to do all sorts of activities.

  11. Should children have outdoor or indoor P.E?
    There has been lots of discussion about children having indoor or outdoor P.E. P.E teachers say there should have P.E indoors but it would not let children run as much.
    Many P.E teachers say going outside will let children move more and get fresh air, children could throw higher or kick round more. Outdoor P.E lets children learn better because the teacher can use all the space and if children go outside there will get lots of space. Children say it would be weird if you were playing basketball and there was no hoop to shot in. Plus, children have more fun.
    On the other hand, having lesson like dance would be weird if you were dancing outside. Wouldn’t it be weird? The same with gymnastics, it would be wired if you had a mat on grass or a stone floor and you would have to be without shoes. Also, if it was raining you would have to come in but if you had it indoor there is no problem about the weather.
    In conclusion, we have decided to have lesson outside, however some P.E lesson will take places inside.

  12. Indoor or outdoor PE?

    Over the past few months there has been much discussion on if outdoor P.E. or indoor P.E. is better. So what do you think? Many poeple have said that they don't like P.E. because their teacher teaches them badly.

    There are several reasons on why in and out door P.E. is god for you. Firtly, outdoor P.E. can keep us fit and healthy. In addition, it can also give us more Oxygen due to the fresh air. It can keep our eyes healthy too by playing in sunlight. Indoor P.E. can keep us warm and make the blood warm too. You can do P.E. any time because it is warm and there is light inside the hall. Additionally, you won't get wet because there is a roof on top to protect you. Also, you don't have to wear a lot of cloths.

    On the other hand, 50.09156% of people say that they don't like P.E. There are numerous reasons why. First of all, you can get sick due to the bad weather and cold temperature. Furthermore, injuries can occur like slipping and falling down.Furthermore, serious injuries like sunburn or frost bites can occur. Indoor P.E. there is limited space to play. Moreover, there is less Oxygen and more Carbon dioxide. This can cause us to suffocate. Despite staying warm, as we huddle up we can get squeezed or be trampled over.

    Overall, we should do both indoor P.E. and outdoor P.E. We should choose which one based on how the weather is. Also if we do indoor P.E. then we should open the windows to get more fresh air.

    - Krish

  13. Indoor or Outdoor PE?
    Physical education is taught in school as it is a way to keep children healthy through exercise. There has been a considerable debate since last year as to whether or not P.E should take place indoors or outdoors. Should we let this debate continue?
    Firstly when you’re doing outdoor P.E some sports need more space than others. For example high posts are needed for rugby. Therefore a field or a large playground is the ideal place. Secondly when you are outdoors you are breathing in fresh air rather than being in a hot and stuffy classroom or a hall with the same air in it
    On the other hand it can be very cold in the winter doing sports outside and you might get a cold as you cannot really wear your coat. Moreover some sports are better taking place indoors, for example gymnastics and dance. Sometimes you need soft mats or special gym equipment. Furthermore you can use the interactive whiteboard indoors to show examples and learn about the sport. You can write down different techniques in sports.
    In conclusion as PE has so many different parts to it, it should be taught both indoors and outdoors. A recent survey has shown the majority of children like PE both indoors and outdoors therefore there is no one definite answer to should PE be taught indoors or outdoors.

  14. Pros and cons of indoor and outdoor PE
    There has been a lot's of discussion (debating)that if indoor PE is better or worse than out door PE.
    Below are their suggestions of pros and cons of indoor/outdoor PE.

    50%of the people say that indoor PE is better because the temperature is always right and you dont have to waste time on thinking what to wear. There is no risk of over heating due to air conditioning. Its safe as there are no buds around and there is no risk of sun burn. There is no risk of getting lost. You can exercise regardless of bad weather. There is low risk of injury and if you get injured help is close by. On the other hand in indoor PE it is suffocating at times and there is no source of sunlight (so no vitamin D for free). There is limited amount of space and you feel cramped. You don not get bruises but there are chances of fracture.
    Out door PE has its own advantages.50%of people say,you get fresh and clean air to breath. There is more space availability and you don't have to wait for your turn in indoor PE. Research has also shown that visual stimulation is better during outdoor exercises and it makes you work harder. It also boosts your mood and self-esteem. You also get vitamin D in sunny days. Outdoor PE also has some dis- advantages like more chances of getting hurt, weather dependency and more distractions.

    Overall both above mentioned PE options have advantages as well as disadvantages but whichever option is available, physical exercise should always be carried out.


  15. Indoor vs. Outdoor PE
    Children usually like physical education as a subject because they get to move around and be active as well as have a lot of fun. Many PE activities are suited for outdoors but being outdoors is not always possible. Recently, there has been substantial debate in the houses of parliament about the benefits of indoor and outdoor PE. I strongly believe that outdoor PE is better than indoor PE. What about you? Do you really think outdoor PE should be overruled by indoor PE?

    There are various reasons why outdoor PE is recommended by many thoughtful politicians. First of all, 53% of children prefer outdoor PE. A large majority of individuals state that they have more personal space outdoors. For instance, in indoor PE a child might get kicked and seriously injured whilst taking part in martial arts. Outdoor exercise is more beneficial because children inhale more fresh oxygen outdoors. If children are playing a ball game indoors such as cricket, the ball might smash the windows. It also takes time for children to change for indoor PE. It is easier to convince children to come outdoors instead of indoors.

    On the other hand, the weather in London is not very good so indoor PE would be ideal when it is raining, snowing or windy. Moreover, all games aren’t suitable for outdoors for example dancing on uneven ground can be a struggle; the wind might change the direction of the shuttlecock or the ball in table tennis and badminton. Many schools might not have the required resources like teachers to supervise and outdoor space to use. If a child falls over whilst participating in outdoor PE they could get wounded as there is a greater risk outdoors. P.S: Most parents don’t like to clean muddy shoes or trousers!!

    To summarise this argument, there has been a vote overnight. Many MP’s from the parliament conclude that outdoor PE should be made mandatory instead of indoor PE.

    - By Om

  16. You can still get Vitamin D in indoor PE through windows but most of it is a good balanced argument :)

    From chanakya
